my story

I started The Intuitive Journey with the intention to help expectant parents work with their bodies to create beauty in their birth experiences, no matter how many unexpected twists and turns their journey takes.

Hi, I'm Megan (she/her) and I'm beyond grateful and excited to work with you during such an important time in your life. I am currently based in Essex, UK, but one of the benefits of my work being virtual is that I can work with clients from any location. I have been fascinated by birth since my mum was pregnant with my little sister when I was 13 years old, which is unusual in itself. Ever since, with every new birth video, book and informative social media post I found, it has felt more like a calling.

I first heard about hypnobirthing from my friend, who spoke so enthusiastically about how the techniques have helped her, not just during the birth of her children, but also in her everyday life. The more I looked into it, I loved how it seamlessly blended science and spirituality, and how achievable it was for all birthing people. I chose to study the calm birth method because of its inclusive, non-judgmental ethos and supportive nature.

I have always believed in the magic of our bodies/womb space and how capable we are of birthing naturally. Yet I have also been raised in a very medical family, and understand the importance of abdominal birth and intervention in certain cases. All forms of birth can be incredibly beautiful and empowering, and all families deserve the opportunity to make informed choices on how they want their birth to go.

Hypnobirthing also helps birth companions understand their vital role in birth, so they can advocate for and support the birthing person to avoid them becoming a statistic. It takes a village after all, and I would be honoured to be part of your village. It’s time to release your fear and anxiety about giving birth and write your own incredible story.