Privacy Policy


We’d like to start by reassuring you that your privacy will always be respected and we are committed to protecting all of your personal data. Under no circumstances do we or shall we ever, sell any of the personal data that we collect from you.

This privacy policy breaks down the types of personal data that we may require from you and how it will be used. It will also discuss how this personal data is collected and the legal protections in place.

The Intuitive Journey is the controller and therefore responsible for your personal data.

What type of data do we collect from you?

Data for legitimate interests.

The Intuitive Journey may collect the following personal data, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • contact details: names, email addresses, telephone numbers, home addresses

  • qualitative data about previous birth experiences and your birth story

  • your baby’s estimated due date

  • possibly also your baby’s name and birthday

  • your testimonials

How will we collect your personal data?

We collect information about you and any third parties, such as your partner/birth companion, when you use our website. For example, when you contact us about our classes.

The other methods that we use to collect data may include, but are not limited to:

  • direct contact from existing/prospective clients

  • publicly listed information (for example, company addresses)

How do we use your personal data?

We ensure you that all of the data we collect is specifically for legitimate purposes. The only exception being when your interests and fundamental rights override our legitimate interests. Below are some examples of how we use your data:

  • providing our products and services to you when you order them

  • booking you onto a hypnobirthing course with The Intuitive Journey

  • contacting you if we need to obtain or provide any additional information concerning your booking

  • ensuring that the information that we hold about you is up-to-date and accurate

  • checking that you are happy with what we are offering

If your birth story or testimonial is used on our social media or website, this will always be with your expressed consent.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time, so please continue to check this page for any updates.